LILA Services

Information and Referral (I&R)
LILA maintains extensive resource information on numerous disability-related topics that might include housing, transportation, legislation, laws, adaptive equipment, employment opportunities, support groups, and lists of contacts in other service organizations and agencies.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects people with
disabilities from discrimination. Disability rights are civil rights. From voting to parking, the ADA is a law that protects people with disabilities in many areas of public life. Although, a good point to remember is that the ADA is not about special treatment; rather, it is about offering equal access to participate in one’s community. LILA is not an ADA enforcement agency and we are unable to provide ADA advocacy services. The information and materials provided by LILA are intended solely as informal guidance and are not a determination of your legal rights or responsibilities. LILA staff will respond to ADA questions or concerns through research, information, and referral. Call or email with your ADA questions or concerns. - ada.gov

LILA provides training and instruction to assist individuals to gain skills, such as using transportation systems, managing budgets, using adaptive equipment, making good decisions, job skills, grooming, and many other subjects.

LILA offers opportunities for persons with disabilities to meet with other persons who experience disabilities, with the goal of allowing these “peers” to explore options, problem-solve situations, discuss how to adjust, and provide support about the
challenges of living with a disability.

LILA provides two types of advocacy. We assist persons
with disabilities to obtain the necessary support services and
accommodations from other agencies and individuals in the
community. This is individual advocacy. In this process, consumers learn self-advocacy skills.
We also work with communities and organizations to initiate changes within communities, agencies, businesses, government entities, etc. to promote activities that will create a more accessible and inclusive environment for persons with disabilities to live more independently. This is systems advocacy.

LILA assists individuals with
disabilities, via skills training, mentoring, and help gaining needed
support, to:
transition from nursing homes or foster homes into the community,
remain in the community rather than be institutionalized
transition from secondary education to post-secondary life
transition from school to employment